Monday, June 27, 2016

Things to do for 4th of July in Wilmington, NC

Get out the bunting and the Stars and Stripes—it’s time for the Fourth of July! Wilmington, NC will celebrate Independence Day with fireworks, music, and all kinds of family fun. Click the link above for some of the best events for your hot holiday weekend.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Choosing a Disability Lawyer.

Filing for disability in the Tar Heel state is one of the most important things you will ever do.  Two-thirds of the applicants in North Carolina are rejected at first.  From there, they will have to undergo an appeal.  Proper representation may help not only with the initial approval, but also the all-important appeal process.

Beware of what is lurking in the woods.  There are Non-attorney disability representatives all over the state.  Some of them actually work on BEHALF of the system!  The task of your attorney is to present, in specific and exact order, the events that have resulted in your permanent disability.

The top North Carolina disability attorneys know that time is paramount.  A slow pace runs the risk of losing your claim forever.  Wilmington attorney Alden B. Cole is an aggressive Disability Lawyer in the Tar Heel state.  Call him today to arrange an appointment at his office at 201 North Front Street in Wilmington at (910) 231-2042.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

DePuy Implants Improper Hip Replacements.

Manufacturer DePuy has admitted an error in what they refer to as their “measuring techniques” when designing metal hip replacement implants.  This is no small admission in that DePuy is one of the world’s largest hip implant placement manufacturers. These implants occurred from August 2005 through August 2010.

The bosses at DePuy have had to answer some tough questions.  They have already paid out settlements estimated at over $2.5 billion.  In a 2013 settlement, Johnson and Johnson provided an award of $250,000 to those who were more than 6 months removed from their original hip replacement surgery.

Has anyone that you know been effected by a DePuy hip replacement that has become defective?  You may be entitled to a settlement.  Even if you have not had any significant problems with your DePuy system as yet, you need to consult an attorney to discuss your options. Alden B. Cole is a Wilmington North Carolina DePuy Hip replacement attorney. Give him a call at his office today at (910) 231-2042.