Monday, August 17, 2020

How Does One Define a “Work-Related Accident?”

Let us go to the source. How does OSHA define it? The injury or illness is considered to be work-related if an event or exposure in the work environment either caused or contributed to the resulting condition or significantly aggravated a pre-existing injury or illness. That seems rather black and white…doesn’t it?

Here are some notable exceptions –


  1. At the time of the accident was the employee present as a member of the general public?
  2. There were already symptoms outside of the work environment.
  3. The injury or illness results from voluntary participation.
  4. It resulted from an individual engaging in personal tasks at the job site.

There are many other gray areas that need to be examined to see if you or a loved one qualifies for Workers’ Comp. That is what I am here for. My name is Alden B. Cole, an experienced Workers’ Compensation attorney in Wilmington serving the great state of North Carolina. See my website at Call me at (910) 231-2042.